Virtual Reality Wiki
Virtual Reality Wiki

Osvr front badge

OSVR is a next-generation virtual reality console.


Official Summary

OSVR™ stands for Open Source Virtual Reality. It is an ecosystem designed from the ground up to set an open standard for Virtual Reality input devices, games and output with the sole goal of providing the best possible game experience in the Virtual Reality space. Supported by Industry Leaders and focused on gaming, the OSVR framework rallies gamers worldwide together to push the boundaries of VR-Gaming.


Image Name Publisher Genre Platforms
No Control No Control MoonShine Games Rollercoaster Osvr front badge OSVR, Oculus rift badge Rift, Steam badge Steam, Htc badge Vive
World of Diving World of Diving Vertigo Games Adventure, Indie, Simulation, Early Access Osvr front badge OSVR, Htc badge Vive
Fractal Matrix VR Fractal Matrix VR schizo604 Experience Google play large Play, Htc badge Vive, Oculus rift badge Rift, Gear vr badge Gear, Ios badge iOS, Osvr front badge OSVR
Mental Torment Episode 2 Mental Torment: Episode Two The Andronauts Osvr front badge OSVR, Oculus rift badge Rift
Hellicott City Hellicott City Seven Hill Games Osvr front badge OSVR, Oculus rift badge Rift
Flying Aces VR Flying Aces VR Ben Librojo Osvr front badge OSVR, Oculus rift badge Rift
DreadEye DreadEye Digital Happiness Osvr front badge OSVR, Oculus rift badge Rift
Space X Hunter VR Space X Hunter VR Google play large Play, Osvr front badge OSVR, Gear vr badge Gear
Final for cs390 Final for cs390 joos Osvr front badge OSVR
Caffeine Caffeine Incandescent Imaging Osvr front badge OSVR, Oculus rift badge Rift
Mind Unleashed Mind Unleashed IV Productions, Merge Games, Frost Earth Action, Indie Osvr front badge OSVR, Htc badge Vive
VR Zombie Survival VR Zombie Survival Pocket Experience Google play large Play, Osvr front badge OSVR
Daydream Blue Daydream Blue RalphVR Google play large Play, Star icon Star VR, Fove icon Fove, Lg icon LG 360 VR, Altergaze badge Altergaze, Zeiss badge Zeiss VR One, Homdio badge Homido, Freefly badge Freefly VR, Gear vr badge Gear, Daydream badge Daydream, Osvr front badge OSVR
Floor Plan Floor Plan Turbo Button Gear vr badge Gear, Oculus rift badge Rift, Osvr front badge OSVR
Surge Surge House of Secrets Experience Oculus rift badge Rift, Htc badge Vive, Osvr front badge OSVR
Space Balls VR Space Balls VR Jorge Sandín Muñoz Oculus rift badge Rift, Osvr front badge OSVR
LA 2097 - Precipice LA 2097 - Precipice ZX81 Sci-Fi Oculus rift badge Rift, Htc badge Vive, Osvr front badge OSVR
Manchester Manchester Trucker VR Gear vr badge Gear, Osvr front badge OSVR
Space is Alive Space is Alive Pigsy Games Experience Osvr front badge OSVR, Oculus rift badge Rift, Steam badge Steam, Htc badge Vive
Astral Domine Astral Domine Spectral Illusions Adventure, Indie Osvr front badge OSVR, Htc badge Vive
Circuit Warz VR Simulator Circuit Warz VR Simulator Michael Callaghan Simulation, Education Oculus rift badge Rift, Osvr front badge OSVR
Don't Let Go Don't Let Go! Skydome Studios Action, Horror Osvr front badge OSVR, Oculus rift badge Rift, Steam badge Steam, Htc badge Vive
Ultimate Booster Ultimate Booster GexagonVR Experience Osvr front badge OSVR, Oculus rift badge Rift, Steam badge Steam, Htc badge Vive
Jose Junior Snake VR Jose Junior Osvr front badge OSVR, Google play large Play, Altergaze badge Altergaze, Cardboard badge Cardboard, Gear vr badge Gear, Fove icon Fove, Freefly badge Freefly VR, Homdio badge Homido, Ios badge iOS, Lg icon LG 360 VR, Star icon Star VR, Zeiss badge Zeiss VR One
Rollercoaster Adventure Rollercoaster Adventure ArdigitC Rollercoaster Osvr front badge OSVR, Oculus rift badge Rift, Steam badge Steam, Htc badge Vive
Marble Land Marble Land George Tudor Puzzle Osvr front badge OSVR, Oculus rift badge Rift, Steam badge Steam, Htc badge Vive
Kitty Catcher Kitty Catcher JPM Arcade Osvr front badge OSVR, Oculus rift badge Rift, Steam badge Steam, Htc badge Vive
Subway Car Subway Car Tore Knabe Experiences Osvr front badge OSVR, Oculus rift badge Rift



